Aims and Values
Aims and Values
At Blackfell Primary School, we aim to provide a safe, happy, responsible, well-
ordered community in which children can learn and be valued as individuals.
To achieve this we will help pupils:
• Develop lively, enquiring minds, with the ability to question and challenge
• Develop self-reliance, self motivation, self confidence and self-esteem;
• Acquire knowledge and skills relevant to subsequent stages in their
education, adult life and work;
• Help children achieve a wide experience and knowledge and understand
the world in which they live, including the interdependence of individuals,
groups and nations;
• Appreciate human achievements and aspirations;
• Develop appropriate relationships with other children and adults:
• Promote good behaviour within agreed and understood rules;
• Encourage pupils to learn to value and be valued as individuals
In this way we seek to work with parents and carers to fulfil each child's
intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.
We care for every child in our school.