Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School



We aim for every child to have at least 97% attendance across the school.

Attendance awards are presented in assembly each week and the class with the

highest attendance receive extra playtime.

Termly 100% attendance for every child is a special activities afternoon to learn and develop new skills.

In addition, we will continue to have monthly celebrations for the class with the best overall attendance and some other incentives across the year.


Week ending 21 February 2025

 Early Years - 91.5%

KS1 - 92.1%

Year 3 - 95%

Year 4 - 96.8%

Year 5 - 93.8%

Year 6 - 90.8%


Year 4 won Attendance of the Month for February 2025

Well done everyone- keep it up!


 Attendance Information