Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Nursery Summer 2021-22

People Who Help Us 

All Creatures Great and Small

Welcome To Our New Starters!!

A big warm welcome to our new starters. The Children have had a fantastic first week they have all settled very well and have been busy exploring their new indoor and outdoor environment. They are forming new friendships and learning all about our rules and routines. We are extremely proud of you!!   

Jubilee crown making

This week we have been learning about the Queen in the lead up to her Jubilee Celebrations! We have been making beautiful crowns by painting gold paper plates and decorating them with sparkling jewels and sequins. We will then be able to wear them when in our special Jubilee assembly.  I think you will all agree that they look fantastic and are certainly fit for a queen!!

Hall Hill Farm

What a great way to start our new term, Nursery went on a visit to the farm, we were all very excited to go!! We all enjoyed the bus trip we got to sit with our friends and sing songs along the way. Once we got to the farm we put all of our belongings in our own barn. We then got to meet the first animals of the day which were the sheep, we all got the chance to feed the sheep and they were very hungry!! We all fed the lambs with a bottle of milk we had to hold onto the bottle tightly as they were very thirsty. After that we met the rabbits, and Guinea pigs, we all got the opportunity to have them sitting on our laps and stroke them, they were so soft!! We had such a busy morning and were feeling very hungry so we went back to our barn to enjoy our lunch. After lunch we got an exciting opportunity to go on the tractor and ride around the farm we seen so many other animals, such as highland cows, wallabies, peacocks, and llamas and not forgetting the little chicks that we had sitting on our laps they were very funny!!. We all had a fantastic day at the farm and we thank Hall Hill Farm for letting us visit.    

Musical Instruments

This week in Phonics we have been learning all about musical instruments, what they sound like and what the name is. We each had a go at playing the different instruments and we discussed with Miss Forrest what they were called. We then played a game where we had to use our listening ears by listening to the sound of the instrument and we had to guess which one it was by holding up the correct picture card. We were very good at the game and really enjoyed finding out all about the different instruments.    

People Who Help Us 

What an exciting term we all  had, learning all about People Who Help Us. We had lots of different activities to choose from during our child initiated time. We all agree that our favourite area to go to was the role play area and we really enjoyed getting dressed up and re creating roles such as the Police, Doctor, Nurse, Firefighter. 

Nursery's Sport's Morning 

Well we had all been practising hard for the last few weeks, and the day was finally here our sports morning!! We were so excited to start our races. We got into our two teams, blue and yellow. To begin our morning we had the wonderful hoopstarz join us on the field with our families. We all started with a fun warm -up where we followed the different movements then put it all together to make a dance, We all really enjoyed it!! We then started our races, all of us joined in the races and tried very hard in each one. We all cheered for our team members!! We had eight races altogether including egg and spoon, running, sack race and a few more,. To end our exciting morning we were all presented a special certificate from Miss Forrest and Miss Clark to say well done for taking part. We hope all parents and carers enjoyed the morning just as much as we did.  

PE Aeroplanes 

This term in PE  we are focusing on games and this is going to prepare us for our sports day event coming soon. The theme this week was aeroplanes and we were going to develop our throwing skills and learn how to keep score. We started our lesson with a warm up moving around our space in different ways making sure we were always safe. We then played a couple of games to help with our skill development, we worked in pairs and we had to throw a beanbag into the hoop if it landed in the hoop we got a point, we also had to take a step back from the hoop every time we landed the beanbag in the middle of the hoop this was really tricky as we got further away!!. We had so much fun!! keep an eye open for our next PE lessons. 

Jubilee Day  

What a great day we all had celebrating our Queen 70th Jubilee, we all came to school wearing blue red and white, we all looked great!! We all enjoyed our whole school Jubilee assembly, Each year group got the opportunity to sing a song that represented the decades of the last 70 years!! We wore our special crowns and flags that we had made earlier in the week, we really enjoyed singing our song we had practiced so hard to learn the words. At lunchtime we got to enjoy a special jubilee lunch which was very yummy!! After lunch we got a lovely treat a visit from the ice cream man where we all enjoyed ice creams and ice lolly's, we sat with our friends in the lovely sunshine. what a special day we all had!! 

Parachute Games 

What a fun morning we have had, we decided to get the big parachute out in the KS1 hall and play some team games. We started with a  fun warm up activity. Then we listened to instructions from Miss Clark, she then asked us different questions and if it applied to us we had to run very fast underneath the parachute. We then played a game called popping popcorn Miss Forrest placed the yellow balls in the middle of the parachute, we then had to work as a team to get all the balls of the parachute as quickly as possible it was quite difficult but so much fun!!