Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Nursery Autumn 2021-22

' Magical Me '  and Let's Celebrate '

Welcome to Nursery 

Welcome to Nursery! We have all enjoyed our first few weeks in Nursery and we have all had lots of fun. We have been exploring our new outdoor and indoor environments as well as learning routines and making lots of new friends. We have all settled in very well and are having so much fun! Take a look at the activities we have been taking part in this week

Star of the week

W/C 20.9.21

A massive well done to Kade this week for receiving the star of the week award. Kade received this award for how well he has settled into his new environment and for excellent tidying up!!. We are so proud of you Kade!!. 

Star of the week

W/C 4.10.21

A massive well done to Izzy for receiving the star of the week award, Izzy received this award for showing great confidence during our keyworker group time and showing a lot of care towards her friends. We are so proud of you!!

Star of the week 

W/C 1.11.21

A massive well done to Jasmine for receiving star of the week!! Jasmine received this award for forming new special friendships, always showing good listening skills. We are so proud of you Jasmine!!

Star of the week 

W/C 15.11.21

A massive well done to Jasmine for receiving the star of the week award. Jasmine received this award for her listening skills always sits smartly on the carpet and is such a good friend to everyone. We are super proud of you!!. 

Star of the week

W/C 13.9.21

A massive well done to Charlie this week for receiving Star of the week, Charlie received this award  for showing confidence in his new setting and making new friends. We are so proud of you Charlie!!.

Star of the week

W/C 27.9.21

A massive well done to Amber this week for receiving the Star of the week award. Amber received this award as she provided a WOW moment when she independently wrote her own name!! We are so proud of you Amber!!

Happy Diwali 

We have been learning  all about Diwali, there  have been many activities for us to explore . We have been creating our very own Mendi hands we made sure that we used lots of colours and patterns. Some of us even got to make our very own diva lamp we used paper plates, coloured pens and pencils for our patterns and some sequins to finish our lamp off, please take a look at us celebrating Diwali. Happy Diwali everyone!!

Star of the week

W/C 8.11.21

A massive well done to Frankie for receiving the star of the week award!! Frankie received this award for always having a big smile on her face when she comes into Nursery and the confidence she is starting to show. We are so proud of you!!

Children In Need 2021

What a great day we all had for Children In Need, we all came to school in non-uniform and our Pudsey accessories. We enjoyed a range of activities throughout the day, we especially enjoyed our Pudsey biscuit we had at dinnertime. We raised lots of money for a fantastic cause thank you so much for your kind donations!!. 

Our first trip to the library

We really enjoyed our first trip to our school library in Nursery. We had a great time looking at all of the different books that are available for us to share with our loved ones. We each chose a book to take home to share with our grown-ups. We cannot wait to go back every Friday morning throughout our time in Nursery! Please take a look at some of us spending time at our library.

Our first PE lesson

'Witches and Wizards'

Today in PE we had to pretend that were were witches and wizards wearing big pointy hats. We had to climb on our magic broom and then fly around the room. We had to fly high and low and in different directions. We also had to fly around making sure that we were not touching anyone else. When Miss Forrest had cast the 'freeze spell', we all had to freeze in our own space. Then we had to imagine that we were wizards wearing big long cloaks. Our wand had to lead us around the room. We had to stand still  and point our wand into a space in the room, then quickly run to that space, stopping on arrival and starting again. 
We finished the lesson by playing cauldrons. We had to move freely around the hall area until Miss Forrest shouted 'Hocus Pocus!' When she shouted this we had to quickly run into a cauldron and stand still.

Star of the week

W/C 11.10.21

A massive well done to Harry for receiving the star of the week award, Harry received this for settling in so well in his new environment and for being such a good friend to everyone!!. We are so proud of you Harry!!

Antibullying 2021

" One Kind Word"

We celebrated Antibullying this week, our theme this year was "One Kind Word"  We started the week by coming into school wearing odd socks! We then had the opportunity to design our very own odd socks we really enjoyed the activity and there were some very colourful designs. We had a discussion with Miss Forrest about being kind and unkind towards people. Some of us even got to make some friendship bracelets and necklaces for our friends we used string and different coloured beads. We have really enjoyed our week. Please take a look at our pictures of us enjoying our Antibullying week

Christmas cards and our special calendars 

We have been super busy in Nursery getting our Christmas cards and calendars ready for our grown-ups. For our Christmas cards we all got dressed up in Nativity costumes we really enjoyed dressing up!! For our special calendars we got very creative we had to think about how we wanted our calendars to look we chose our colours and we used some glue to stick down our hearts and buttons. We really had fun making them and we hope you all like them!!