Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 1 Spring 2023-24


Art - Printing

Year 1 have started their new topic in Art which is printing patterns. Our first lesson involved using a range of materials to print with paint. We really enjoyed this!

PSHE - Relaxation

Our PSHE lesson was all about relaxation and the benefits of this. One technique we looked at was how to relax the body using our muscles. The next technique was laughter. We each took our turn to scream our name as loud as we could and then worked with partners to try and make them laugh. We really enjoyed this lesson!

Handas Surprise - Fruit Tasting

In Literacy, we are reading 'Handas Surprise'. This story is based around a variety of fruit. We tasted some of the fruit from this story (pineapple, mango, passionfruit and tangerines) and used adjectives to describe what it looked, felt and tasted like. We really enjoyed this!

Wellbeing Week

Year 1 enjoyed celebrating wellbeing week by taking part in different activities. We took part in a dance marathon with little movers, going on a sound walk around the school field, whole class games and yoga! We shared how different types of activities can lift our mood and make us feel good!

Attendance of the Month Treat!

Year 1 enjoyed watching a film and eating snacks for getting attendance of the month for December!

Safer Internet Day

The theme for safer internet day this year was 'inspiring change'. We looked explored how changes online might make us feel and how to deal with it. We were given different scenarios and feeling cards. We showed how each scenario would make us feel and what we might do next.

World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, Year 1  completed a number of activities throughout the day. We read 12 autobiographies created by teachers at Blackfell Primary, and we had to guess by the facts on their page, which teacher it was. We then had a turn at writing our own autobiographies and guessing which child it was in our class. We then completed a quiz in teams, where we were shown a cropped picture of a book. We had to guess which book it was. For our final activity, we drew the front cover of our favourite book, which will be put up in our book corner for when we read stories.

Maths - Mass

In Maths, Year 1 have began a new topic 'mass and capacity'. We have been using scales to measure how objects can be heavier, lighter or have an equal mass. We have also looked at measuring the mass of objects with cubes.

R.E - Torahs

In R.E this half term we are learning about the Jewish faith. We created our own Torahs using cardboard tubes and paper!

Science - Planting

In Spring 2, our new science topic is plants. In our first lesson, we labelled the different parts of a plant and planted sunflower seeds. We discussed what a plant needs to grow and will observe them over the coming weeks.

British Science Week

This years British Science Week theme is 'time' and to celebrate this, Year 1 and Year 2 carried out an invesigation testing how long jelly took to set, using different fruits. We made one pot of jelly without fruit, to test if this affeced it the speed which the jelly took to set. We found that having fruit in jelly allowed it to set quicker, than without using fruit.