Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 1 Autumn 2023-24


Our first week in Year 1!

We’ve had a fantastic start to the year in Year 1 and have settled into our new classroom really well. During our first week, we spent time getting to know Miss Richardson and Miss Brooks, familiarised ourselves with our classroom and completed fun activties!

National Poetry Day

To celebrate National Poetry Day we performed a poem called 'What we found at the seaside' infront of our school in assembly. We really enjoyed this!

Black History Month - Mary Seacole

To celebrate Black History Month, Year 1 learnt about a significant figure called Mary Seacole who was a nurse in the Crimean War. We learnt about her life and why she is such an important person. We ordered the events of her life as a class and then created a poster about her in partners. We drew pictures and described her as a person. 

Anti Bullying Week

We enjoyed learning about anti bullying week! We discussed different scenarios and whether we thought the behaviour was kind or unkind. We also designed our own odd socks to promote uniqueness and diversity. 


We had lots of fun in the snow with year 2! We made snow angels, snow men and had snowball fights!

Christmas Biscuit Decorating!

We had a busy afternoon decorating biscuits like Christmas baubles! We used icing sugar, food colouring, m and ms's and strawberry laces. They were very tasty!

Science - Materials Hunt

in science, our topic is materials. Our first lesson involved learning the most common materials, finding out what they were made from and what they are used for. We then went on a materials hunt around our school to see if we could find any.

Drama Performance - Ravi's Roar

Year 1 have been acting out the story 'Ravi's Roar' which we have been reading in Literacy. We all took part in different roles. We had lots of fun doing this!

P.E -Ball Skills

Year 1 have a new topic in P.E which is ball skills. Our first lesson involved learning how to dribble. We practiced doing this on the spot whilst building up our confidence and then began to move around. We also completed some dribbling games.

Literacy - Sentence Structure

Year 1 have been reinforcing their use of capital letters and full stops in literacy. We had words from Exciteable Edgar story jumbled up. We had to put these in order to make sure our sentence made sense. We then decided where the capital letters needed to go in our sentence and the person holding that word needed to wear the capital letter hat. We then had a ball for the full stop.

Christmas Party!

We had such great fun at our Christmas party! We danced, played lots of fun games and even met Santa!

Art - Piet Mondrian

In art, we are learning about colour creations. In our first lesson, we learnt about the 3 primary colours and and an artist who used these in his work. We then created our own artwork in the style of Piet Mondrian.

School Disco

Year 1 had a fabulous time at the school disco. They enjoyed dancing to the music and the flashing lights. We also heard some great singing! Hot dogs, crisps and drinks were needed after it all!

Geography - A Walk Around Blackfell

In Geography, we are learning about where we live. We went for a walk in our local area to see what features we have in Blackfell. We walked to the nursery, bus stops, the honest boy, park, shop, hairdressers and fish and chip shop. We passed the cash point, post box and defibrillator and discussed what they are used for.

Science - Materials Investigation

Year 1 completed a science investigation this week to see which material was best to make an umbrella out of. We tested 6 different materials and found that plastic was the best to use. We really enjoyed being scientists!

DT - Moving Story Books

We designed and created our moving story books about Humpty Dumpty! We were really proud of our work and shared them with reception.