Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Welcome to Year 1/2 Spring 24-25

Art: Tangrams

This half term in Art, we are looking at sculptures. We began the lesson by looking at examples of Antony Gormley’s work. As we looked at the sculptures, we considered what we thought it was made of, where it might be located, and why it looks the way it does. Antony Gormley creates sculptures of the human form, so we were then challenged to make a human form using tangram pieces. We looked at how artists make realistic sketches of the human form by combining simple shapes such as spheres and cylinders or posing mannequins in different positions. We then stuck the Tangram pieces together to create human form.

Science: Microhabitats

After learning about different biomes and habitats in Science over our last few lessons, today Year 1 and 2 explored the school grounds looking for microhabitats and the different minibeasts which live there. We observed different creatures using a magnifying glass and recorded which microhabitat the minibeasts were found in. Next lesson we will collect our data together and record it in a bar chart.

Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children's Mental Health week and this year's theme is, 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. We have been looking a bit more at who we are, and exploring our personalities. We created 'personality islands' that explained our likes, dislikes, talents, hopes and dreams. 

Music: Playing the Ocarina

This term, in Music, we are learning how to play the ocarina. We have started by learning about how to hold the instrument correctly, how to play long notes and short notes which in Music are called 'crotchets' and 'quavers'. We have begun learning the note C and learning how to read this musical note on a stave. 





Chinese New Year: Arts and Crafts

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we have been making paper dragons, and dragon masks. We spent time thinking about why the dragon is special and significant in Chinese New Year, and then talked about the colours and patterns we might see on the dragon. We worked hard on our colouring and cutting skills and created some fantastic work!

Safer Internet Day 2025

This year's theme for Safer Internet Day was 'Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'. To explore the idea of scams online, Year 1 and 2 looked at a story called 'Hatch it' and explored how the characters were conned by someone they had met on a game and how it made them feel. We discussed how we could avoid that happening to ourselves and who we could talk to for help. Throughout the afternoon, we also reminded ourselves of what is and isn't ok to share online before finally creating internet safety logos and superheroes offering words of wisdom and advice to others.

Computing: Coding

In Computing we have started our unit on coding. We have been accessing Purple Mash to practise putting together small pieces of code. So far, we have been using the 'object', 'action' and 'event' code blocks and have been able to follow algorithms (instructions) to make simple programs. 





Chinese New Year: Cooking

What a fantastic time Year 1 and 2 have had! Everyone enjoyed preparing and tasting a vegetable stir-fry where the children braved some new ingredients and flavours. We were very proud of all the children as they embraced flavours from a different culture and for many, it was a great hit!