Welcome to Year 3 Autumn Term 24-25
The Creation Story
In Re we have been learning all about The Creation Story. We watched a video of the days of creation and then created a story board showing what was made on each day.
Partitioning Flexibly
In groups we enjoyed using the base ten resources to partition numbers up to 1000. We split them into hundreds, tens and ones and then looked at how we could split them in alternative ways.
Winter Gardens Visit
Year 3 and 4 have had a fantastic day visiting Sunderland Winter Gardens and Mowbray Park. They enjoyed exploring the different sculptures, sketching a walrus, making a satin glass window using natural resources and created their very own piece of art in the style of Andy Goldworthy using what they could find! Please check our class pages to see more fun activities we took part in!
Mary Anning Research
In Science we have been learning about how fossils are formed. We have been researching Mary Anning and learning all about her important discoveries and how they have helped the way we think about the fossils we discover. We learnt all about her early life, later life and why she was such an important person.
Black History Month: Bessie Coleman
To celebrate Black History month in October we enjoyed finding out about Bessie Coleman. Bessie Coleman was the first Black woman to become a pilot. We conducted some research about her life and created a factfile showing key information about why she was such an important figure in Black History.
Bah Humbug!
Well done Year 3 and 4! What a fantastic Christmas play they performed. All of the children were fantastic with their lines and singing their songs. Well done again! Mrs Milne and Miss Black are very proud of you.
Design A T-Shirt
Today in Art we enjoyed working in pairs to create our very own T shirts. We used lots of different materials to create our own designs which we had planned. We made some alterations but the final designs were fantastic!
In maths we have been learning about hundreds, tens and ones. We have been learning about the different values of each digit in a three digit number.
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their school disco tonight. Children enjoyed dancing, singing and even had the chance to win some prizes for best dancer. We enjoyed hot dogs, crisps and a drink and enjoyed dancing to some more of our favourite songs.
World Mental Health Day
To celebrate World Mental Health day we enjoyed coming into school with a yellow accessory. We also enjoyed one hour in the afternoon taking part in some different activities away from exercise books and screens. We played some board games and even enjoyed painting with water colours.
Year 3 and 4 Coffee Afternoon
It was lovely to be joined by so many friends and family of Year 3 and 4! We begun our afternoon by sharing what we had been learning so far this year. All of the children in Year 3 performed "Three Little Birds" and Year 4 performed "Mamma Mia". They then all came together to perform "Respect". We ended our afternoon with a good game of bingo. Year 3 and 4 done a fantastic job! Well done!
Anti-Bullying Week
To celebrate Anti-Bullying week we have enjoyed taking part in a range of different activities. We have had a special Anti-Bullying assembly, designed our own odd socks to show that everyone is different and unique, learnt about how we can show respect to others and how we can help someone if they are being bullied.
Salvation Army
In RE we have been learning about people who follow God. We spent some time understanding what The Salvation Army is and how they are there to support those in need. We created our own posters to help advertise what The Salvation Army do.
In PE we have enjoyed taking part in some classroom yoga. We have learnt all about different poses. We enjoyed watching the minions yoga and trying new yoga poses.
In History we are learning all about Prehistory and how we discover things from the past. We have learnt the role of an archaeologist and what equipment they use to help them make discoveries. We learnt why the equipmnent is used and what it can show them.
Logo Design
In art we have been looking at how to design a logo. We spent some time looking carefully at the features of different designs before desiging our own. We established a logo should be made simple with a name and a small image.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Today, Year 3 and 4 were Joined by Angela from the School Nursing Team. She came to talk to us about our emotional health and wellbeing. We talked about positive and negative emotions. We then discussed how these emotions present through feelings in our bodies and expressions. We played the game Guess the Emotion with our friends. We then discussed different strategies how to deal with negative emotions and who we can talk to.
Year 3 and 4 visit Albany Care home
Year 3 and 4 visited Albany Care Home. They had been practising some festive songs and enjoyed singing with and along side the residence. We all enjoyed a very festive morning. Well done Year 3 and 4.
Christmas Party
Year 3 and 4 enjoyed their christmas party today. We all enjoyed coming into school in our party outfits ready for a fun afternoon. We played games such as corners, musical statues and pin the nose on reindeer. We also enjoyed some snacks and had a good dance.