Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 3 Autumn 2020-21


Welcome to Year 3

What a fantastic start to Year 3! We have been reflecting on the 5R animals and how we are like them in school and at home.

Rainbows of Hopes

We have been creating rainbows! We have wrote about what we like at school, our family and hobbies. We then thought about what we would like to improve on in Year 3. They bring lots of sunshine in our classroom.

Library Visit

We enjoyed our first visit to Key Stage 2 library. It was great to have a look at all the different books and we got to pick one to take home. We can't wait for our next visit!

Pantomime Scene Art

In  our art learning we have been learning about the pantomime and its features. We have been designing our own stage for a particular scene in our favourite panto. Keep your eyes pealed for our end product. 

Black British Learning

Walter Tull

We have been learning about Walter Tull today as part of our history learning. We began with looking at a picture of him and thinking of questions we would like to ask him. We then learnt about his child hood and how he was one the black football players. But what we found most interesting was he was the first black man to be promoted to an officer and lead a group of soldiers.

Year 3 Olympic Javelin Throwing

After our learning on Tessa Sanderson we decided to try javelin throwing ourselves. We began with a warm up and learnt the technique of throwing the javelin. It was a little tricky to begin with but we soon got the hang of it. Soon it was time to compete in our own Olympic games. We all took turns throwing the javelin. Our longest throw was 40 feet! We then concluded our games with the medal ceremony. It was a close call to who received the gold medal so we all did. We enjoyed our Olympic games.

Being Safe Online!

We have been learning about being safe online. We read a story about Bobby, a boy who got a tablet, and learnt how to be safe. We know not to download apps without and adult permission, go on websites that are not age appropriate and what to do when a stranger talks to you. We even learnt a catchy song to remind us. We then created posters to share with our friends on how to stay safe.

Tom and Yasmine

We have be introduced to Tom and Yasmine in our PSHE learning. Each term we will be visiting Tom and Yasmine and learning about growing up

Beat It!

Year 3 have been involved in some exciting Science. We have been learning all about how to beat the germs and jobs in the NHS. We leant about the roles and responsibilities of nurses, doctors and pharmacists. We learnt the rules of taking antibiotics safely and how they combat infections. We learnt a song about washing our hand and created some amazing work.

Panto Time

Year 3 have enjoyed more festive fun today with a the Panto visiting Blackfell. We spent our afternoon enjoying watching Jack and the Beanstalk. We also enjoyed some snacks with our friends. It was a fantastic afternoon.

Friendship Web

We have been talking about what makes a good friend and how we should respect friends. We then made a fantastic friendship web and told our friends why they are good friends to us!

Teamwork is Dream Work

Today we enjoyed our first PE lesson. We have been working on our team work skills to move a ball across the yard in the fasted time. We worked out in our group it was best to talk to each other and listen to each others ideas.

Fairy Tale Drama

As part of our literacy learning we have been looking at different fairy tales and their features. We then working in groups to create our own mini drama on well know fairy tales. We enjoyed creating our own and watching our friends.

Come to the Show!

After weeks of planning and creating a back drop we added detail. We created props and lighting. We have enjoyed creating our very own pantomime scene. Can you guess who's is who?


To celebrate the life of Walter Tull we had a friendly game of football in Year 3. It was a fantastic game and ended with a draw. Miss Hough and Miss Hepplewhite enjoyed being the refs.

Morning Exercise

Year 3 have been doing some morning and afternoon exercise this week. We have been following moves with Jump Start Jonny, Go Noodle and some Just dance. We are enjoying our energy boasts

Pom Pom Reward

Well Done Year 3! We are very proud of how hard you have worked this term and filled your pom pom jar!

Year 3 enjoyed a fun autumn craft afternoon and watching the film Croods. They made some fantastic autumn wreaths. Keep up the hard work!


In our literacy we have been learning about fables. They are short stories with a moral. We enjoyed working in small groups reading a fable and then creating our own drama. We share this with our friends.

Christmas Stockings

We have began our Design and Technology learning at looking at the features of a Christmas stocking. Keep your eyes pealed because in weeks to come we will be creating our own!

Frosty the Snowman.

Well Done Year 3! You were fantastic in your first recording Session. The children were fantastic and sang Frosty the Snowman along with another surprise.  This will be online to watch next Thursday at 7pm from You Tube. We will be sending out the link closer to the time.

Our Class Promise

We have been talking about how we all can help in our class and around school. We spook about our golden rules and how they help us all to be a good learner. We then created our own class promise.

Rock Hunters

We are learning about rocks and soil in science this term. We began by looking at both natural and man made rock and how they are different. We then went on a hunt around school and found lots of examples of man made and natural rock. It was great fun.

Iron Giant

We have been enjoying our class novel the past couple of weeks. We have been reading The Iron Giant. Some of us even took a turn reading to the class.

Making our own web page

We have been learning about spoof websites. We have the created our own websites about something that interested us. We enjoyed creating our own website.

Tessa Sanderson

This week we have been looking at the British hero Tessa Sanderson. We began by looking at a picture of her now and thinking about why she is a hero. Some of us thought she was an agent or a teacher from the picture. Then we looked at a picture of her in the 1984 Olympics and we knew she was involved in sports. We learnt that she was the first black British woman who achieved the gold medal for the javelin. We watched her fantastic throws and her receiving the medal. We then looked at what she is doing now after her competing career. We learnt that she is now campaigning for diversity and inclusion for all in sports. We then created our own gold medal for Tessa to say tell her why we think she is a hero!

Investigating Erosion 

As part of our science learning we have been looking at erosion. We have been looking at the best rock that would make a kitchen bench. We looked at different rocks and their properties and planned our investigation. We rubbed the rocks with sandpaper 500 times and then measure the rock dust that came off the. It turns out chalk is not the best rock for a bench but marble and flint would be very good!

Source of Light

Today in science we have began working on our new topic of light and dark. We have begun by looking at what is a source of life. in small groups we had to sort different sources of light. We were surprised to find out that the moon is not a source of light but it actually reflects the light. We then look at the effect on our eyes in dark environments. we saw our friends pupils dilate! we are looking forward to more learning on our topic.

Antibullying Week 2020

We celebrate Odd Socks day in stile in year 4. We came in our best odd socks. We then spoke about how we are unique and different from each other but also should be treat the same. We then created our own unique odd sock with a design of all the things we like. In small groups we got a problem that someone had saw. As a group we discussed the problem and the different solutions for the problem. We then created a mini drama and performed it to our friends. We then started thinking about how we can help if we saw somebody being bullied. We created a five finger promise to  always help other when they need it.

Party Time!

Year 3 had a fantastic time at their Christmas Party! They all had a boogie, played pass the parcel, musical statues and corners. They looked fab in their Christmas outfits.