Welcome to Year 6 Autumn Term 24-25
Allies and Axis
As we begin our new History unit about World War 2, we looked at how the war started and which countries were involved. We used atlases to locate the different countries around the world and added them to our own maps. We're looking forward to exploring the key events throughout the war and how it eventually came to an end.
Internet Legends
In Computing we have been learning about internet safety through the unit Internet Legends by Google. We began by learning about what's safe to share and how to protect ourselves online. As part of this we completed the Interland game and received certificates to show we are Internet Smart and know how to be safe online.
World Mental Health Day
To celebrate World Mental Health Day, Year 6 enjoyed a well-being hour away from screens and curriculum work. Some of us drew pictures and coloured in, some chose to test out their construction skills and many of us created Halloween Suncatchers. It was a well deserved break from all the hard work we've been putting in and was thoroughly enjoyed by all!
Electronic Games
To finish our Science unit of Electricity, we put our new learning and skills to the test in creating our own Electronic Quiz game. We worked with our friends to come up with ideas and connected our own wires and checked it worked. It was fun having a go at each other's quizzes.
Anti-bullying Week
For Anti-bullying Week, Year 6 spent some time reminding themselves of what the 4 types of bullying are, what the lasting impacts of bullying can be and what emotions people can experience as a victim of bullying. With this year's theme being 'Choose Respect', we worked in small groups to create posters which give examples of how they can show respect in school, on the yard and when they're with their peers.
Science - Micro-organisms
In Science, we have been learning about Living Things. This week, we learned about micro-organisms and how some of them are helpful while others can be harmful to us. We looked at how yeast is used to create air bubbles in bread to make it rise. Together we planned an investigation into which temperature of water would be best for yeast to produce the most air bubbles. We tested cold, warm and hot water and found that warm water completely filled our bottle with bubbles and inflated the balloon the most. This means if we want to make dough for bread, yeast needs warmth to produce bubbles and make the bread rise.
Christmas Carol Concert
Well done to Year 5 and 6 who performed brilliantly in their Christmas Carol Service today. They shared the Christmas story, sang traditional carols and ended with some modern Christmas hits. It was wonderful to see the children speaking, singing and dancing with such confidence. Merry Christmas!
Book Club
Today we enjoyed our first Year 6 Book Club. We discussed book genres and Miss Kitchen recommended a Historical Narrative called 'When the Sky Falls' by Philip Earle. After telling us the plot, we were keen to sign up to take turns reading this book. We also shared books and recommendations with our friends. Miss Kitchen shared our Reading Scrapbook and we have been enjoying adding our own pages to recommend books to our friends.
School Disco
Year 6 had a great time at the school disco. They showed off some fantastic dance moves as well as eating some snacks and winning prizes.
Book Club
In Book Club this week we have been looking at the 100 recommended reads for Y6 children. We discussed which of these we had already read and picked our next reads. Miss Kitchen recommended a picture book from the list called The Viewer and we signed up to read it before sharing some books with our friends.
This week, we began our new PE unit of Gymnastics. We started by learning gymnastics sitting positions and supports. Then we moved on to practising our rolls. First we did a straddle roll and practised keeping our legs straight and toes pointed. Next we moved on to forwards and backwards rolls from standing. Those of us who weren't sure practised on a slope with a crash mat. It was amazing to see all children having a go at rolls!
We are Internet Legends!
We have now completed our Google Internet Legends unit in Computing, learning about internet safety. To prove this, we completed the Google Interland game and claimed our certificates to show our Legendary status. We are now Internet Brave, Alert, Secure, Kind and Smart!
Our Visit to Nissan
Year 6 had a wonderful visit to Nissan. We learned all about the history of Nissan, Japanese words, construction and then we had a go at building some cars using Lego and introduced our own production lines. We learned how to make our production lines more efficient and timed ourselves for improvement.
In the afternoon we had the chance to see some of the Nissan robots in action and had a go at some of the skills we would need to be able to work at Nissan. To take home, we were given some goody bags too!
Y5 and Y6 Christmas Party
Year 6 had a great time at their Christmas Party. It was lovely to see all the children dressed up in their party clothes and celebrating Christmas time with their friends. There were some fantastic dancers and we had great fun with the party games!
This week Year 6 began their first PE unit of Netball. We learnt about the different passes such as chest pass, overhead pass and bounce pass and when the appropriate time to use each pass was. We added movement to our passes and learned the footwork rule. It was fun to put our new knowledge into a fun game of 'melting pot'.
NSPCC Workshop
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed taking part in an NSPCC workshop where we looked at some important topics including bullying and abuse. We discussed different scenarios to acknowledge when something is and isn't ok such as keeping secrets or sharing videos. By the end of the session, we were able to recognise when we might need to speak out and where we can go for support.
Black History Month
This year's Black History Month focuses on 'Reclaiming Narratives' and celebrating the successes of black people throughout history. Year 6 carried out some research on athlete Jesse Owens who impressively won 4 gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games. Despite his successes at the time, Jesse still faced significant prejudice and discrimination but he became a role model to other black athletes both then, and to this day. We enjoyed learning about his background and how he became such a talented athlete then we used the information to create biographies about him.
Anti-bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
During Anti-bullying Week 2024, we celebrated Odd Socks Day. We wore odd socks and designed our own sock to celebrate our individuality and how important it is to be true to ourselves.
Partner Balances
In gymnastics we have been learning about partner balances. We learned about counter tension and counter balance. Then we put together some balances with our partner. Last lesson, we practised incorporating the equipment into our balances and fine tuning these.
Christmas Dinner
Year 6 really enjoyed sharing Christmas dinner with their friends. We sat and listened to Christmas music, talked about festive plans and had a lovely dinner.