Year 1: Please use this page to keep up to date with tasks set by your class teacher, these may include some hand written tasks, practical tasks, links to activities and online tasks.
Updated: 10-07-2020
Hi Year 1,
It was so lovely to see some of you in school this week. I hope you had a good time. This is our last week of home learning before the Summer holidays. Well done for all your hard work. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all this year and can't believe we have almost reached the end of your time in year 1. I know Mrs Agar is very excited to welcome you all into her class in September and I'm sure I will be hearing great things from her.
Our home learning timetable for this final week includes the following:
- Three maths activities
- Three writing activities
- One reading activity
- One phonics activity with spellings
- A variety of three other summer themed activities.
All of the activities have been scheduled for Monday on the Google Classroom so that you can work through them at your own speed during the week, completing as many or as few as you wish.
I hope you all have a lovely Summer break.
Please feel free to share what you have been up to and keep in touch via Google Classroom.
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 03-07-2020
Hi Year 1,
It was lovely to speak with you this week. You are all doing brilliantly with your learning in school and at home and I am very proud of how hard you're all working. I hope you have all had an enjoyable week and had fun with the activities.
For those of you still working from home, I have attached your timetable for next week.
All resources will be attached to google drive for you to access from Monday. I have also created some learning packs for those of you who requested them and are working from home, which have been available for you to collect from school this week. If you have not collected these yet, please contact the school office to arrange. The learning packs include resources (for maths, literacy, reading and phonics) linked to our weekly timetables. Weekly timetables will continue to be published on Google Classroom and our school website on a Friday lunch time for the following week.
I hope you have fun with the activities and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thanks again for all your hard work,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 26-06-2020
Hi Year 1,
I hope you are all well and that you enjoyed spending some time outdoors in the lovely sunshine this week.
Underneath, is this week’s timetable which includes a range of different subjects to work through. Again, I have tried to include practical activities that you can use if you are finding the internet more difficult to access. All resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom on Monday morning for you to work through at your own pace during the week.
Please do not hesitate to contact if you need support in anyway.
Many thanks,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 19.06.2020
Hi Year 1.
Hoping you are all safe and well.
As we move towards the end of this academic year, we want to help prepare you, as best we can, towards moving into Year 2. Transition packs are ready to be collected from school by your parents/carers. Each file contains the following:
- a letter from the staff members that you will be working with, sharing some information about themselves – hopefully this might help you get to know them a bit better.
- a sheet in which we would like you to add information about yourself; It would be great to find out a bit more about you.
- a history homework project for you to complete during the summer holiday
- additional Maths and English activities, should you wish to complete during the holidays, with a blank exercise book
Our home learning timetable this week includes; a mixture of maths, writing, reading, spelling and transition activities. If you are accessing Google Classroom, all of the activities have been scheduled for Monday so that you can work through them at your own speed during the week, completing as many or as few as you feel best.
Some of you will be returning to school next week and we can't wait to see you all. I will continue to support home learning over the next few weeks for those of you staying home so please feel free to message if you need any support.
Many thanks.
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 12.06.2020
As you know, around this time of year at school, we usually move away from our regular timetable for a week and concentrate just on our health. We have worked with healthy eating chefs, completed a sponsored run-a-mile; competed with our friends in sports days; worked with the LAF (lifestyle and fitness) team and had the opportunity to work with a range of different coaches on various sports. We would still like to give you the opportunity to have a go at a some of these from home.
Our health and wellbeing timetable will take the form of a ‘menu’ with a range of P.E, art, DT, cookery, reading and writing activities all centered around staying well mentally and physically. Again, you can complete as many or as few as possible and work with any siblings from different year groups. Many of the activities are practical but we have still included some resources on Google Classroom that might help you should you wish to use them.
It would be lovely to hear how you have managed and great to see any photographs that you might want to upload.
Updated: 05.06.2020
Hello Year 1,
I hope you all enjoyed the activities set last week. I have attached next weeks suggested timetable of activities for you to follow.
As always, please use the timetable as little or as often as you like. I have tried to include some practical activities that can be adapted from home. I hope you find them enjoyable.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. It is always lovely to hear from you and look through any work or photographs uploaded to the Year 1 Google Classroom.
Stay safe and have a great weekend,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 29.05.2020
Hello Year 1,
I hope you have all enjoyed your week in the sunshine and maybe managed to have a go at one of the ‘Run a Mile’ challenges; it would be great to see any photographs if you have!
We are now approaching June and into the final half term of the school year. I can't believe how quickly it has come around. I will continue to set home learning activities for you to complete if you are not in school. Remember, you can do as few or as many as you choose. We are following the school curriculum as best we can and practical activities will continue to be set alongside Google Classroom resources to support with learning. Your work can be completed on paper and submitted through Google Classroom by logging in with your username and password. It would be lovely to see some of the work you have been able to complete.
I hope you all get the chance to enjoy the sunshine this weekend and look forward to hearing how you are all doing.
Many thanks and stay safe,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 22.05.2020
Hello Year 1,
I hope you are well and have been enjoying the activities that were set this week. We have had some beautiful weather the last few days and I hope you have all had some time to enjoy the sunshine.
Since it is half term, we thought that we would give you a bit of a break from our usual timetable! Instead, we have offered you a P.E challenge that you might want to have a go at. We usually have our ‘Run a Mile Week’ in school this term so it might be nice to have a go at this at home. The ‘Daily Mile at Home’ is a fun and easy way to keep fit and maintain good health and wellbeing for you and your family. During each part of the week, you are offered a different challenge when running your mile. They all look like great fun.
You could also continue to work on Timestables Rockstars and continue with your reading.
We will continue with our regular home learning timetable from 1st June.
Have fun and stay safe!
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 15.05.2020
Hi Year 1.
I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the activities being set for you. Please feel free to share your learning on google classroom so I can see all of the great work you are doing at home.
Here is next weeks timetable, filled with more great activities. Remember you can do as much or as little as you like. The most important thing is to stay safe.
Take care
Mrs Reeves
Updated: 08.05.2020
Happy V.E Day anniversary Year 1!
75 years ago to the day, peace once again prevailed in Europe. Today, we have a bank holiday to celebrate and remember those who fought so bravely during the Second World War.
V.E Day, which stands for Victory in Europe Day, was the day on which allied forces announced the surrender of Germany in Europe on May 8th, 1945.
You may now be at home due to the Coronavirus outbreak, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a weekend of celebrations to mark this special moment in history. There are plenty of ways you can still get involved in the big day, from hosting a special VE Day celebrations picnic or afternoon tea with your household to decorating the house with flags and bunting. If you’re a dab hand in the kitchen, which I know many of you are, try creating up some VE Day-inspired snacks and treats.
We hope that the information and activity sheet that we left for you last week might give you some extra information on V.E day and also offer some interesting activities for you to have a go at.
On a different note, it was once again lovely to speak with you this week. You are all managing so well and I love finding out what you have all been up to.
I have attached next week’s timetable. Remember to only do what you can and we are here to help if possible.
Take care and have a fantastic long weekend.
Mrs Reeves
Updated: 01.05.2020
Hello Year 1,
I hope you are all still well and have enjoyed some of the activities this week. You have done brilliantly accessing the activities on Google Classroom, TT RockStars and Purple Mash and it has been lovely to hear from some of you and see some of the activities you took part in this week. It's great to see the children smiling and enjoying time with their families.
I have attached next week's timetable onto here and Google Classroom. Remember to do as few or as many activities as you can manage and that there are practical options too. The most important thing we need you to do is look after each other and stay safe.
There are a few notices to share this week:
VE Day:
Next Friday is the anniversary of V.E day commemorating the official end of the Second World War in Europe; it has been specifically arranged to be a bank holiday this year. We had planned to organise activities in school designed to support understanding and to celebrate. As this is not possible, we still think it is appropriate to not let this pass us by. Attached you will find some suggested activities to do at home to celebrate VE Day. You can do as few or as many as you want. If you have siblings in school, you can mix and match activities with them too. It would be lovely to see some photos of activities you do.
We appreciate that many of you may have completed the reading books you were sent home. Fortunately, one of of our reading schemes, Oxford Owl, have released many of their books as free e-books that can be read at home on tablets, laptops or computers.
In order to access these books, you need to follow this link to create a log in.
Once you have verified your email address you will be able to view the free e-book library and the books available. To find your child's level, click on Levels then Oxford Level.
I will be in touch next week (week beginning 4.5.20) to tell you which Oxford Level books your child should be reading. You can make a note of the book and pages your child has read in their reading diary as you would for school.
Important Contact Note:
For confidentiality, please contact school via telephone or from your own personal e-mail account to
Google Classroom in an open forum and designed to assist children and parents with work at home. Any messages left on here or sent from the general Year 1 gmail account are not private.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Mrs Reeves
Updated: 24.04.2020
Hello everyone,
It was lovely to speak with you all this week and to hear from some of the children. I am glad you are all doing well and enjoying your family time together. As discussued in our conversations this week, the main thing we are asking you to do during this difficult time is to stay safe and enjoy the time with your children.
We understand that a lot of parents are working from home as well as home schooling the children, which can be challenging due to time restraints and lack of resources (such as printers) therefore I would like to reassure you that the resources and activities, I will be suggesting are for you to use as and when you can. Please do as little or as much as you like.
Here is a suggested timetable of different ideas and activities for you to use. I have provided a range of activities on google drive however I appreciate you might not all have access to this all of the time so I have also suggested some practical activities (you can adapt these if you like).
Please note: Friday's DT activity will require some preparation so I have uploaded the information for you to access today (you can find this in the Art/DT folder within Google Classroom). The food technology unit this half term titled 'Teddy Bear's Picnic'. This can be adapted if you like. Have fun with it as I'm sure the children will really enjoy this topic.
Stay safe and I hope you all enjoy this weeks activities.
Many thanks for all your support at this time and please continue to stay in touch; it has been lovely to hear from you all,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated 17.4.20
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well and have had an enjoyable and relaxing Easter break. I has been lovely to see some of the activities you have been doing. Please remember, you can upload any pictures or messages onto the Google Classroom to share with the class and me. I love seeing what you have all been up to.
Attached is the suggested timetable of activities for this week. You can complete as many of the activities as you can manage - don't worry if you don't complete them all.
The activities and resources will be uploaded onto Google Classroom on the day scheduled and there are practical options if you can't access some of the resources. I have uploaded the practical element for DT on Google Classroom, as you may need some time to prepare the ingredients for this subject.
Please stay safe and I hope you enjoy this weeks activities,
Mrs. Reeves
Updated: 3.4.2020
I hope everyone is well and has managed to access the resources on Google Classroom without too many problems. Thank you for your continued support during this time. We have compiled some fun, hands-on Easter activities for you to have a go at during the Easter holidays if you wish. There is a huge variety of activities and although some have been designed with Year groups in mind however any of them can be completed by children regardless of year group. Please take some time to unwind and relax. If you do feel like trying some of these activities, the resources are uploaded and numbered below. I would love to see some photos of your creations if you make anything (you can post these directly on this stream or onto the assignments set in classwork). We hope you have a lovely Easter break with your families.
A new timetable of suggested activities will be posted for the first week back after the holidays. Children can still use this page and the blog on Purple Mash to keep in touch with me and each other.
Many thanks, Mrs Reeves
Updated: 27.3.20
Good afternoon everyone! We hope that you are all staying safe and at home as much as you can. These are extraordinary times and all we can do is do our best to deal with them calmly, professionally, with good humour when we can and determination that we will get through this together. We sent home learning packs with the children last week with tasks that they could complete at home. We will be posting a weekly overview of some tasks that your child can do at home.
These are suggestions for your child and they can do as few or as many as they wish.
We have also provided further resources for your child using Google classroom.
To log in to the classroom please follow the instructions below.
1) Click "Go to Classroom"
2) It'll then ask you to login with the credentials provided below.
Login: Password: Blackfell
These websites are in addition to tasks set and we hope that you find them helpful. All websites are free to access, you may need to set up an account before hand.
All subject resources:
Writing tasks:
Other curriculum areas: (Joe Wicks 5 minute move)
Updated: 18.3.20
All children have been provided with a pack of resources. Please begin by completing these. Teachers will update this page in the coming weeks with further tasks.
- 2 reading books (please ensure these are looked after and brought back to school)
- A writing task (see in pack)
- Times table rock star competition
- Purple mash to do (see attached)
- SPAG Assessment (in pack)
- Reasoning Assessment (in pack)
- Arithmetic Assessment (in pack)
- Reading Assessment (in pack)
- CPG Books (see pages on sheet in file) – if completed specified pages please continue to work through incomplete pages
Updated: 23.03.2020
Hello Year 1! Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to you and your parents for all your hard work so far this year! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you off on Friday but like so many others I have had to follow government guidelines. I hope you are all well and staying safe. I have began to set some 2do's on Purple Mash, where you can complete tasks and hand them in. I can then mark these and give you feedback. Feel free to leave a comment before you hand in your work, which I will look forward to reading. You can also access Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots and complete the activities set and access other educational games/activites at your leisure.
I will be in touch regularly through the website, so keep checking our class page.
Mrs Reeves