Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 4 Spring Term 2018-19


States of Matter

As part of our new science topic we have been talking about solids, liquids and gases. We have looked at their structure and their properties We worked in small groups to organise a variety of objects into the correct groups. We have had a fun start to our topic.

Tennis Week 1

We have began some expert coaching with tennis. This week we have been learning how to control the ball using our racket and taking part in some fun control games. We are looking forward to building our skills.

Does gas weight anything?

We have been investigating if gas weighs anything. We all thought that gas was weightless but we were proven wrong. We tried different pops and gave them a good shake. We weighed them before and after. It turned out that all the pops lost weight and that gas does weigh!

Safer Internet Day

We have been celebrating Safer Internet Day in Year 4. This year the focus is about consent about what we share about ourselves online. We began our afternoon by telling personal details about our self. For example our date of birth, where we live and our family. We then talked about the dangers of sharing personal information. We did not realise all of the dangers. We then created our own posters to share our learning with others about keeping personal details safe. We ended our learning with a pledge how we will keep our selves and others personal details safe.

World Book Day

We enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities around our class text Coraline to celebrate World Book Day.  We have created a book for other children to look at that tells them about the story, what we think, the different characters and illustrations of Coraline's house in both worlds.  We ended the day with a Coraline quiz. We have enjoyed being in the other world of Coaline's story.

Egg Competition

We had some fantastic entries into our Man on the Moon egg competition! They were out of this world. Well done to all the children who entered . It was fab to see all that creativity.


In our small groups we were given a picture. From this picture we had to create our own fantasy story. Using our knowledge of the features we made sure that they were all     included in our drama. We thought about good and bad characters, powers, realistic and unrealistic setting, moral and characters with human characteristics. We thought about the beginning, middle and end, the plot, problem and resolution. After we hot seated as our characters and answered questions from the audience. We had fun creating our own fantasy drama.


Tennis Week 2

This week in our tennis lesson we have been developing our ball control, bouncing the ball and passing the ball to each other. We even had a mini game with our friends. 


We had a practical maths lesson today exploring area. We began by deciding what we wanted to find the area for and estimated what we thought the area would be. We then used squares and worked out the area of our object. It was great fun and we have a good understanding of area.

Snowy Fun

Year four had great fun in the snow with the rest of the school. it was a great end to our week as all we had wanted to do was play in it all day. It wasn’t nice to get home and get warmed up after.

Book Bus

Yer 4 enjoyed an exciting visit from the book bus.  It was great fun looking at a variety of books on a bus!

The Ducks

Year 4 had a great time visiting the ducks in reception. We were quackers for them. We created a year 4 pen and let the ducks have a run about and swim in the water. They were full of character and great fun to watch.

Anglo-Saxon Timeline

To begin our new topic on the Anglo-Saxon we have been looking at the main events during their reign. We then created our own timeline. We are excited to learn more about their blood curdling reign.

Anglo-Saxon Dancing

As part of our PE topic on dance and movement we have been thinking about how our body moves. We had to represent different elements of an Anglo-Saxon village people and buildings. We have began to learn some of the basic moves in small groups. We are aiming to create our own Anglo-Saxon dance. 

Tennis Week 3

Today was our last tennis session and it was great fun. We began our session by being put into team. We took part in a variety of skilled races where we had to encourage our team mates and demonstrate skills we have learnt.  We have developed so many skills over our three session and are looking forward to playing tennis outside when the weather warms up.

Jarrow Hall

Today Year 4 travelled back in time and became Anglo-Saxon people. We began our day learning all about farm life and what they used the animals for. Do you know we use the majority of farm animals the same now! We then went to the town and the great hall. We sat around the fire, told riddles and listened to the story of Bewulf! It was fantastic. Next we learnt all about early Anglo-Saxon religion, it was paganism. They believed in using herbs to make potions to help the people and get rid of evil spirits. The next part of our day was learning all about the justice system and how the final verdict was by the actions of god! It was a fantastic day, we all learnt a lot and learnt some new facts about Anglo-Saxon life. We would like to thank Tom and the staff at Jarrow Hall for a fun packed day.


As part of our electricity unit we have been looking ow to make a light bulb work. We had to create our own circuit using wires, cells and a lamp. It was confusing at first but we all had that light bulb moment.

The Great Feast

To end our learning about the Anglo Saxons we prepared our very own feast. We researched traditional recipes using ipads. We then prepared the food in groups. Each group was incharge of a different part of our feast. We made stew, honey shortbread, oat cakes and bread. Then was the fun part ... we tasted the food we created! some of us liked it but some of us did not. We have really enjoyed learning about the Anglo Saxons and their 600 year rule.