Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 2 Summer Term 2018-19

Room on the Broom

What a way to start the new term! Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Tyne Theatre in Newcastle to watch an entertaining performance of 'Room on The Broom' based on the book by Julia Donaldson. 












Children's Nurse






Sports Carousel


To finish off the topic of Judaism the children asked if they could make some traditional Jewish food that is eaten during Hanukkah. The children made Latkas, a potato and onion cake which is fried in oil and can be eaten either hot or cold. The children thought it was delicious!

Sports Day

Well done, Year 2! You showed fantastic, resilience and determination throughout our sports afternoon. Despite some challenges and tumbles you all gave it everything and you should be incredibly proud!  A special congratulations to those in Oak, our Key Stage One 2019 winners!


Year 2 have had the best day visiting Bamburgh! We spent part of our morning at the Grace Darling Museum learning about how she became a hero and the other part of the morning we explored the village and looked at human and physical features. In the afternoon we were lucky enough to visit the beach where we had some time to take in the surroundings.

World of Work Week

For our 'World of Work' weeks we have had many fantastic visitors to tell us about their jobs. Some of these include police officers and PCSOs, a range of nurses, a passport officer, a fire fighter, a patient transport driver and a bus driver. Below are some pictures of some of our visitors:


Dental Nurse

Patient Transport

Be Fun, Be Fit, Be Healthy Week

For 'Be Fun, Be Fit, Be Healthy Week' Year 2 learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy in different ways. For instance we discussed healthy foods, practised  different forms of exercise and completed some work around mental health and 'Mindfulness'. Part of our week involved a 'Sports Carousel' with Years   1 - 6 where we took part in different sports and another activity we completed was a mile run with Mr Whitfield. All the children completed the run with some fantastic times!




Investigating the effect of a greenhouse

Year 2 have been investigating the effect of temperature on plant growth and we set up an investigation to compare growth of a plant in a simulated greenhouse with a plant out of direct sunlight. We are excited to see the results!


Sail Away Party

As Year 2 are coming to their final days in Key Stage One, we celebrated with a 'Sail Away' afternoon. They competed in their house teams and took part in a range of physical and mental  challenges on the field. Afterwards the children enjoyed a mini picnic with their friends. Well done to Maple who were the overall winners!

Investigating Capacity

A part of our 'Measures' unit in Year 2 we explored the concept of volume and capacity. We filled a range of containers to compare how many litres they would hold. From this we could say which had the biggest and smallest capacity.











School Nurses






Mile Run

Caribbean Experts

After many visits to the Caribbean, Dave joined us to share all he has learnt about the islands. He knew all about the way of life there and was able to answer all of our geographical questions about climate, currency, languages, population and the various human and physical features there. Thank you, Dave!

Bamburgh Collages

Our final piece of Art work in Year 2 were collages based on Bamburgh's landscape. The children loved their trip and writing persuasive leaflets to go there so it was fitting their art was off the stunning scenery too! The children committed a lot of time putting these together and they turned out fantastic. Well done, Year 2!