Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 2 Spring Term 2018-19

Race to the Moon!

As part of our history unit 'Race to the Moon' Year 2 were given character boxes about the first human in space - Yuri Gagarin. They looked at a range of sources to answer different questions about him such as 'How did he get into space?' 'What did he do before he went into space?' and 'What happened when he tried to land?'. Year 2 were fantastic at finding the asnwers from the sources.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

In literacy we have been learning about the traditional tale 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'. After listening to the story the children enjoyed acting it out in small groups.

World Book Day

Year 2 have completed a range of activities around the story 'Pugs of the Frozen North' by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre which we read earlier this term. The children thought about the landscape in the 'Frozen North' and created their very own houses on stilts to go alongside the landscape. They also made informative maps and posters about key themes in the story as well as designing their own sled to take part in 'The Great Northern Race'.



Living Things

Our science topic has been based around living things and their habitats. We have been exploring our school grounds looking for different living things and discussing why we knew they were living. We also spent time looking at different micro-habitats on our school field and the living things which lived there.

Agility Training

With the Infant Agility Festival coming up this term, Year 2 have been completing a range of exercises each week to get us into shape and ready to compete!  We've been discussing why it is important to warm up and do stretches first too. Keep up the hard work Year 2!



Creating Spreadsheets

Over the last few weeks Year 2 have enjoyed working on Purple Mash to create different tools using a spreadsheet programme. They have been able to input information, create a counting tool and produce a mini calculator to total amounts.

Antarctica Explorers Workshop

Today we were joined by Rachel from Durham University who led a workshop about Antarctica and famous Explorers. The children learnt about life in Antarctica and discussed different types of explorers. They looked at a range of artefacts to work out where the explorer went and what they needed. Then the children went on to discuss the characteristics of an explorer before making buildings and transport explorers could use in Antarctica out of Lego.


Spring Disco

Year 2 had lots of fun with their friends at the school disco! They all looking fantastic in their party clothes.

Safer Internet Day

This year the theme of Safer Internet Day was 'Consent'. The children in Year 2 discussed how they use the internet everyday and scenarios where they might have to share information online. The children were able to talk about what personal information is and knew they had to give consent to share this. From their understanding they created some very informative posters.

Map Work

As we begin our topic work on the discovery of Antarctica we used atlases and maps to identify both polar regions as well as where the UK is in comparison to those. Some children even looked at the Equator and discussed how climates change the further we get from it.


In RE Year 2 have been learning about baptism. During the first lesson we watched a video of a Baptism taking place and we discussed why baptism is important to Christians. The following lesson we took part in our own baptism. Each group took on different roles and acted out their baptism. 






Making Space Buggies

As part of our DT work we used a construction kit to build space buggies. Firstly we planned what we wanted it to look like then we spent time painting the cardboard net and wooden wheels to match our designs. Once they had dried we pieced everything together and decorated it with additional pictures, stickers and sequins. During our literacy lessons we wrote a set of instructions to explain to others how to make them.