Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 1 Spring Term 2017-18

Creative Castles

Over Christmas Year 1 were very busy learning about the parts of a castle for their homework. They thought very creatively and presented their understanding in different ways. Some made models, some drew pictures and others even visited castles and talked about them.


British Science Week

To start British Science Week in style we were joined by The Nutty Professor who led an interactive science show based around rockets. She taught us about gravity, pressure and lift. We had so much fun taking part in a range of activities!







God Save The Queen!

Year 1 have loved learning about Queen Elizabeth II and her past! We began our topic with a visit from 'The Queen' and the children asked her questions about her life. Then we sequenced the key events from her life before looking at a range of sources which focused on her coronation. To finish we acted out the coronation as a class to see what we had learnt.

Easter Assembly

Fantastic performance Year 1! You were all very brave performing in front of such a large audience. You made Miss Stockport very proud!

Fun in the Snow!

Year 1 loved getting out in the snow and working as a team to build a snowman. They worked brilliantly and as a result won the school-wide competition, winning something of their choice from the school tuck shop. Well done everyone!



Spring Chicks!

The chicks have hatched! Year 1 loved visiting Nursery and Reception to see the new arrivals. They were so small and fluffy but we were all very gentle when we held them. We're all now looking forward to our other Easter celebrations! 






Durham Castle

What a fantastic day! We've all thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Durham Castle to explore the grounds and learn about how life in the castle has changed. In the afternoon, we took part in a range of activities which included making our own cardboard castles, building castle walls and dressing up as characters from a castle. We've loved every second!

World Book Day

For our 'Bedtime Stories' themed World Book Day, Year 1 dressed up in their pyjamas and paired up with children from Year 4 to share their favourite stories. They were also joined by Miss Henderson who read 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' whilst they enjoyed juice and cookies.

Safer Internet Day

For Safer Internet Day Year 1 discussed different ways we use the internet and different ways we access it. We read a story about Smartie the Penguin who faced some challenges while online and we discussed as a class what he should do. To finish the afternoon, we were joined by Martin Bailey who led an assembly on how we can stay safe online.

Our Super Science Morning!

Who knew science was so much fun? We had the best morning visiting different classrooms and doing a range of experiments! First we made patterns by dissolving Skittles in water and made colourful rain clouds in a jar; then we went to Year 3 to create lemon volcanoes using chemical reactions and finally we learnt about forces and gravity by dropping a range of objects in flour and comparing the impact. We've learnt a lot in such a short time while having so much fun!

Easter Egg Competition

Cannon Hopper had such a tough decision choosing our winners for the Tall Ships Easter Egg Competition. Well done to our winners and everyone who took part!