Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School

  1. News
  2. Year 3- Literacy

Year 3- Literacy

12 January 2024 (by jdodds)

Today in Literacy, we had a go at hot seating our main character, Humpty Dumpy. We came up with questions for Humpty Dumpty and took turns in the hot seat to ask them. If in the hot seat, we had to think carefully about our answers, using what we have inferred from the story and using our imagination. We had some good ideas like:

-Humpty Dumpty felt scared and nervous when climbing up the ladder.

-He believes there should have been signs up to warn people not to climb!

-That if he had fallen again he would have become scrambled egg!

-He liked being high up so he could see everything below him, it made him feel happy and excited

-He was 26 years old when he fell, the kings men were first on scene.

-The cracks on  his shell and his emotions could not be fixed.

-Humpty Dumpty was on the way to a restaurant when he fell. He was going for poached eggs!

Well done Year 3, some super ideas!