Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Reception Summer 2022-23


Coronation Day Celebrations 

In celebration of the  Kings Coronation, we all came to school dressed in our red, white and blue colours.  We had a wonderful morning colouring our crown designs ahead of making a one to wear. There was a raffle held and then it was time for our Coronation lunch. It was delicious! We also were very lucky to receive a yummy coronation cupcake which Miss McTeer had made for us. What a fun day we had!


Be Fit, Be Safe, Be Healthy

We had a fantastic week for 'be fit, be safe, be healthy'. We learned all about keeping ourselves healthy and looking after our teeth. The children loved our 'tooth brushing' area and they enjoyed cleaning the teeth with toothpaste, it smelt very minty! We explored new ways in which exercise keeps up healthy, we tried Yoga and Golf! The children were fantastic, and I think we have some future golfers on our hands. We talked about how exercise changes our body and we were discussing how our heart beat changes during exercise. We discussed healthy foods and what makes a balanced healthy diet. We tasted some healthy foods including cucumber, strawberries, mango and we made a super healthy smoothie using a blender. The children thoroughly enjoyed the week! 

Mini Beast Visit

As we have been looking at the topic of Mini Beasts, Reception were very lucky to have a visit this morning from Steve the mini beast man. Steve brought along some of his favourite friends for the children to meet including Rusty the tarantula and Kevin the snake. We also met stick insects, scorpions, beetles and millipedes and a very happy little lizard. We were very proud of how well reception sat and listened to all the wonderful facts Steve told them about the mini beasts. They were all interested in the facts he was sharing and were so keen to have a hold of what they could. The children were also fortunate enough to meet a scorpion and tarantula from afar as Steve explained to them that they could not be handled.
Well done Reception what a wonderful morning!

Aspirations Week 

During Aspirations week, Reception were very lucky to have a special visit from a fireman and his engine. The children were so excited to see the engine arrive. We all had the opportunity to have a go of using the hose. It was very powerful. We also talked about the uniform a fire fighter wears to keep safe and Miss Forrest was able to demonstrate wearing it. Sitting inside the engine was so exciting too. Our final surprise was when he made the siren noise, it was so loud and we all got such a shock.

We also had a visit from a doctor! She brought Doctor Bear with her and showed us how to bandage him correctly. We then had a go at using a stethoscope to listen to each others heart beat and breathing. We asked lots of important questions and the doctor answered all of our questions. At the end she gave us some colouring sheets and we enjoyed colouring them in. Some of us would love to be doctors when we grow up!

Sports Day

What a super sunny afternoon we have all had for our Sports Day event. We Started with the obstacle course, sack race and then onto the long jump. There was a fantastic effort from everyone!. We continued with the egg and spoon where the children showed full concentration, followed by a standing long jump and finishing with a sprint. We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children we are so proud of how well they worked together as teams. Each and everyone of them smiled from start to finish and we hope you all enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did. The children had so much fun watching their teachers and grown ups racing too. We would like to thank all of our grown ups for the continued support.